Herbs and Spices


Herbs and Spices come from different parts of plant

  • An herb is the green, leafy part of the plant. Examples are basil, rosemary, sage, thyme, parsley, and oregano.
  • A spice can come from the root, stem, seed, fruit, flower or bark of the tree or plant. Examples are cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, star anise, and turmeric.
  • That said, a plant can be host to both an herb and spice at the same time!
  • The classic example is like cilantro and coriander. Cilantro is the aromatic leaf of the plant, Coriandrum sativum, while coriander is the seed that comes from that same plant. 
  • Dill weed also produces seeds that are used as a spice while the leaves are used as an herb

Whole spices such as cinnamon sticks, allspice berries and cloves, to name a few, are whole and intact and not broken down or ground. These types of whole spices will keep their flavor and potency much longer than herbs or ground spices.

The moment that a spice or herb is ground, its surface area is increased and exposed to oxygen. Grinding releases the spices volatile oils and what is exposed to the air will begin to break down faster and lose its potency much faster.

That is why it is best to buy your spices whole, store correctly away from heat, light and air, and grind right before you use them.

How to Use Herbs and Spices in Cooking

Cooking with herbs and spices requires different methods.

  • Herbs, whether fresh or dried are more delicate in flavor and constitution than spices. First of all, herbs can be used fresh while spices are always used in their dried form. There are occasions when fresh herbs are preferred over dried herbs like in a basil pesto or using fresh parsley in a tabbouleh salad. When using dried herbs it is usually optimal to add them towards the end of cooking to maximize their flavor.
  • Spices on the other hand can withstand longer cooking times and often are enhanced by dry-roasting and being added early in the cooking process.  
