How to use spices to make tea?


Tea is also nicknamed as a magical herb by the easterners. Many eastern countries consume tea as if it's the elixir. And this elixir has such a massive fan base because of its rich taste. Some statistics show that tea is more addictive not because of the caffeine but its taste. Wouldn't it be delightful to know that this taste can be enhanced and made more aromatic and tasty? Adding spices in tea makes anyone agree that it is not just a drink but an elixir.

Spicy tea

Teas have spread across the globe since the colonial era. And not just the leaves but the culture of having different kinds of teas have also been spread along. There are numerous ways to make and consume tea. Chai tea is the famous way to consume tea, and most of India consumes chai tea more than black tea. Chai tea is nothing but adding milk to your tea. And the good old Iranians and Indians have even found multiple ways of chai tea by inventing chai masala.

Chai masala is a blend of spice powders that not only enhances the taste, but also has many health benefits. The most commonly used spice in tea is cardamom (elaichi). This tea is special because some herbal therapies suggest drinking cardamom tea for the flu. Surprisingly it's not some alternative medicine but a useful remedy to control the flu. After cardamon, cinnamon tea tops the list. The distinct flavor's of cinnamon when added to a chai tea will bring a woody, strong and delicious tea.

Various other spices are also used in tea but not separately like cinnamon and cardamom. But the other spices come along with both of them in chai masala powder. Chai masala powder is a blend of the old Indian spices, cinnamon, cardamon, ginger powder, fennel seeds, black pepper and clove. All these spices are mixed together as powder precisely to bring a distinct flavor. This when combined with boiling tea gives you masala tea. It is a personal choice to add milk, but if you do, you have your spicy masala chai ready. Tea masala powder is a famous blend, even sold by different brands with different customized tastes of their own. Some choose to add more spices and some choose fewer. Either way, spicy tea takes a win against normal tea when compared to its taste, medicinal benefits and popularity too.
